Email isn't's your missing puzzle piece!

Website copywriting services to help you craft empathy-focused messaging that showcases your values and turns visitors to raving fans.

“People don’t want to hear from me in their inbox”

“There’s far too much noise, I’ll never stand out”

“What would I even say?”

So many businesses don’t really know what to do with email. And that’s ok. It’s a tricky beast,

Do you blast your subscribers with “SALE NOW ON!” pings in their inbox twice a day? 

Or do you wait so long between contacts that they’ve forgotten who you are, and immediately press delete?

Surely it’s easier just to ignore it, and spend your marketing budget on Facebook ads?

Well, no.

Because email is your window directly into your audience’s pocket. Without having to worry about the Meta gatekeepers. Without having to worry about getting hacked, or having your account suspended. It’s yours.

You should always build your business on land you own.

Which is where email copywriting comes in.

Handing your email copywriting to me gets you:

Increased customer engagement and loyalty

Your brand at the forefront of your audience’s mind

A clear and compelling introduction to your brand and its values

Sales sequences that guide your audience toward a purchase

One simple conversation with me, and you can have email copy for your sales funnel, welcome sequence, weekly newsletters, and even launch sequence.
