Case Study

  • How my Brand Voice Guide freed a founder from content micromanagement and saved him 10 Hours a Week

    The TDLR

    Evolution Engineers, a rapidly growing digital marketing agency, was struggling with consistent brand messaging across their expanding team. Founder James Lee found himself trapped in a constant feedback loop, correcting content instead of focusing on strategic growth. I developed a hybrid Brand Messaging and Tone of Voice Guide for the team, resulting in clearer communication, increased team alignment, and a stronger brand identity – freeing James up to focus on high-value tasks.

    The Client

    Evolution Engineers is a digital marketing agency founded in 2019 by James Lee. They offer consulting services, lead generation, and traditional digital marketing, catering to marketing directors and heads of marketing in various industries.

    The Challenge

    As the Evolution Engineers grew, they faced:

    • Inconsistent brand voice across team members
    • Lack of clear, objective resources for new hires
    • Difficulty articulating their unique value proposition without falling into industry clichés

    Most frustratingly, James found himself caught in a time-consuming feedback loop. He explained, “Whenever new people join, there’s this learning cycle where they’ll get feedback from me saying, ‘Oh, that doesn’t sound like us.’ In my mind, I think I know what Evolution Engineers sounds like, and sometimes we execute it quite well… but we’re definitely not consistent with it.”

    This constant need for correction was eating into James’s time, preventing him from focusing on strategic growth and high-value tasks.

    The Solution

    I crafted a hybrid Brand Messaging and Tone of Voice Guide, tailored to Evolution Engineers’ unique needs. My approach included:

    • Brand discovery questionnaire and interview
    • Analysing materials that best represented EE’s desired voice
    • Market, audience, and competitor research
    • Interviews with EE’s clients to gather vital Voice of Customer info
    • 60-minute voice exploration workshop with the team
    • Development of key messages
    • Creation of a Brand Voice Guide, including tone analysis, brand voice pillars, and channel-specific guidelines

    I focused on creating an easy-to-use resource full of examples so team members could quickly see how EE speaks in various formats.

    The Impact

    So, what difference did it actually make?

    • Clearer articulation of Evolution Engineers’ UVP
    • Consistent brand voice across all content and channels
    • Easier onboarding process for new hires
    • Improved ability to stand out in a saturated market
    • Significant reduction in time spent on content corrections (estimated at 10 hours per week saved)

    James was particularly relieved to have an objective resource for the team to reference. Freeing him from having to personally go through every piece of content that EE puts out.

    He said, “Now when I say ‘that’s what Evolution Engineers sounds like,’ that’s what I mean. It’s not just in my head anymore.”

    “Peta did a really good job of listening and hearing. She truly heard us, not just listened to us. We came out of the process feeling understood. Now, I can focus on growing the business instead of constantly correcting content.”

    So what?

    Is your growing team struggling to maintain a consistent brand voice? Imagine onboarding new hires who instantly ‘get’ your brand’s tone.

    Are you spending more time editing social posts, white papers, or articles than you would writing them yourself?

    What if you could have your own actionable guide that made it easy for every team member to sound like your brand – minimal edit rounds required?

    Book a free strategy call now and let’s talk about how a Brand Voice Guide could save you time and frustration!

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