• How to create that local feel in your online business

    Every Saturday my local high street is buzzing. Couples walk hand in hand surveying the antique shops. Parents herd children through crowds towards the tea shop, where ice cream waits (or bacon sandwiches in winter).  Sure, we have empty storefronts like the rest of the country, and a unit that’s been vacant since I moved […]

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  • How to show up authentically online without oversharing!

    Authenticity is the big buzzword in the world of small businesses right now. Especially how do you show up authentically online? You need to be showing up as your “authentic self” on your social media channels (cue “hilarious” reels of me pointing at invisible words on the screen trying to game the algorithm. Not really, […]

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  • 8 Tips for Entrepreneur Parenting

    You might have heard (if you follow me on social media, subscribe to my email list, or read this blog – yeah, I’ve banged on about it a lot, sorry), that I was on the Build Your Copywriting Business podcast this week.  I talked with Nikki and Kate about how I started my copywriting business […]

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  • Build Your Copywriting Business – The Family Edition!

    When I started my copywriting business there were a few podcasts that I binge-listened to while on the school run, cooking dinner, sorting laundry, you know the parenting drill. One was Filthy Rich Writer‘s Build Your Copywriting Business. Nicki and Kate always had great advice and really interesting guests. And now I’m one of them! […]

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  • When you can’t see the wood for the trees

    Today’s blog is a little different. I’m sharing a little bit about how I work with my clients, and what I bring to the table. I’ve just wrapped a fun project with a UK-based client (which makes zoom call scheduling a lot easier, I’m not going to lie!). When you get to see your work […]

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  • How To Market With The Seasons

    I don’t know if it’s because I’m a stationery nerd, but Septembers always feel more like new starts than Januarys. It probably is the stationery thing, you know. On my first date with my husband, we spent about half an hour bonding over the Staples catalogue. (Yes. I am aware of how sad that makes […]

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  • How to Direct – and get more sales!

    You‘ve been with me for the last few weeks as I’ve explored how my youth work superpowers can boost your business (in what we’re definitely NOT calling my copywriting philosophy). We started with how making your audience feel listened to can build loyalty. Then we moved on to the power of empathy in building a […]

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  • How to Empathise – and build relationships

    Last week we took a deep dive (see, marketing speak, I can’t even help myself. I’ve been listening to too many American podcasts) into how listening to your target audience can boost your business. This week, we’re moving onto my youth work superpower #2: Empathising Now, let’s get the important things out of the way […]

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  • Cancel the Time Management Gurus!

    I started my business when Erica was 8 months old, and 8-year-old Ethan was homeschooling because of the pandemic. As it often does for mothers I’ve discovered, my copywriting journey began by starting my own blog about the trials and tribulations of motherhood. In my case, I started the blog (http://www.secondtimearound.blog it’s pretty good, you […]

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